Equal Opportunity in the Profession

The WBASNY Equal Opportunity in the Profession Law Committee is committed to the elimination of gender bias and the promotion of fair and equal treatment of women in the legal profession, including law schools, the workplace and the courts.  Particular emphasis is placed upon conducting educational programs that will advance the careers of women in the legal profession.

In furtherance of WBASNY’s mission, the Equal Opportunity in the Profession Committee focuses on raising awareness about the disparity between men and women in the profession; implementing a strategic plan for the election of women; addressing work/life balance as a gender neutral qualify-of-life issue; promoting both traditional and reverse mentoring; and collecting and sharing informational resources that furthers equal opportunity.


Angela DiBiasi, Esq.

Janelle Pelli, Esq.

Mentoring Initiatives Across WBASNY Chapters
Proposed Model Rule to Encourage Development of Junior Attorneys
Equal Opportunity in the Profession Survey Narrative Summary

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