Motivated in part by the powerlessness felt by many in the organization over the crisis of Muslim women in the Balkans, WBASNY formed the International Women’s Rights Committee.
The Committee will work with several international women’s rights organizations and with other governmental and non-governmental entities on legal projects that will effectively represent the international goals of WBASNY and have impact on the international community at large. The efforts of the Committee have resulted in WBASNY signing as amicus curiae to a brief on behalf of the women of Bosnia in a class action suit, and in Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) status with The United Nations’ Department of Public Information.
Projects being considered include lobbying efforts in Congress for the ratification of United Nations documents that protect women’s rights, initiating new projects, presenting symposia, and providing a clearing house for pro bono projects for interested members.
Maria T. Cortese, Esq.
Fay Y. Parris, Esq.
Swati Sawant, Esq.