
The Newsletter Committee is responsible for publishing the Women’s Bar News, the Association’s newsletter. This forum has been developed over the years and continues to be an excellent tool to provide the general membership with information of the activities of the Association on all levels, and to provide a mechanism to disseminate information to other groups.

The Newsletter should be published at least five times per year, depending on available funds. The Newsletter may solicit advertising appropriate to the publication and such advertising is intended to defray a substantial portion of the cost of publication. The Committee shall establish rules governing publication deadlines, appropriateness of articles to be published and other guidelines, subject to review by the Board of Directors. The Committee should draw upon material from the Chapters and should work with the Chapters to develop Newsletters on the local level.

The Newsletter will be mailed to each member of the Association and to other organizations as the Association deems proper.


Margaret Adamczak-Durcan, Esq.

Wbasny Chapters

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