WBASNY History

The purpose of the History Committee, established by WBASNY’s Board of Directors on May 21, 2021, is to collect and preserve the important history of WBASNY, both institutional and personal, and, on occasion, the history of its Chapters, in order to maintain an accurate record of actions taken by WBASNY through the years. The Committee will work closely with WBASNY’s President and Executive Director to develop a list of documents that will be kept as a matter of course, and it will decide annually whether studies, taskforces, commissions, and other significant actions taken by individual Chapters shall also be included. The Committee will liaison with other WBASNY Committees and Chapter Presidents, soliciting suggestions about material to be included, and it will report its activities to the Board of Directors, either orally or in writing. The Committee welcomes to its membership any WBASNY member interested in preserving WBASNY’s history.


Kathleen S. Campbell, Esq.

Wbasny Chapters

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