2010 – A.11447

2010 – A.11447

Position Statement – 2010

A.11447 (Weinstein)
Revisions to Divorce and Maintenance Laws


The Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York (“WBASNY”) supports A.11447 (Weinstein), which directs the Law Revision Commission to review, assess and make recommendations on revisions to divorce and maintenance laws of the state.

Over the last several years there has been a growing movement to address the lack of statutory guidance provided to the courts to determine maintenance/spousal support. Many members of WBASNY practice matrimonial law and can attest to the challenges faced by the bench and bar to find a workable solution that will be equitable to all litigants. Accordingly, WBASNY supports the development of maintenance/spousal support guidelines.

WBASNY consists of over 3,800 members from eighteen chapters across New York State dedicated not only to promoting the advancement of the status of women in society and of women in the legal profession, but to the fair and equal administration of justice. Our members include individuals from all levels of state and federal benches, as well as prominent attorneys practicing in all areas of the law, educators and government leaders.

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