2023 – S.3060 / A. 3279

2023 – S.3060 / A. 3279

Position Statement – 2023

S.3060 (Kreuger)/ A. 3279 (Epstein)


The Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York (“WBASNY”) supports the passage of S.3060/A. 3279, which would establish a reproductive health services training grant program to provide education to medical students who work in abortion-restrictive states to come to New York State to learn how to perform these procedures.

In the post Dobbs world, a large percentage of medical students find themselves training in abortion-restrictive states. This legislation creates a fund to support the training of medical residents in New York. Grants would support the travel and lodging costs of residents, as well as the expansion of residency programs to accommodate additional residents.

The Dobbs decision greatly jeopardized access to, and the provision of, reproductive healthcare. This legislation reduces barriers for medical residents who want to train and provide essential medical care.